Climate Activists Protest at Japanese Embassy in the Philippines in Time for the G7 Meeting

The G7, as the world’s largest economies and among the most responsible for the climate crisis, must be held accountable for the destruction that they are causing. They must stop financing and supporting fossil fuels and promote genuine climate solutions. False solutions like gas, geoengineering, and “clean coal technology” will not address the crisis at hand. These largest economies must decarbonize, stop their destructive projects in Global South countries, and pay climate reparations!

Japan is part of the G7; a group of highly industrialized countried who annually addresses global issues and plans for the plans that are contingent based on the needs of the people. With their recent commitment to decarbonization and shifting to renewable energy sources, Japan has broke the consensus and is initiating an expansion in fossil fuel-based technologies.

Doraemon, being the equivalent of spongebob in Japan, has been the face of most industries propagating in Japan. The character was also the face of the mobilization in the Japan Embassy last May 17, Wednesday.

As critical environmental defenders who want to challenge and fight the detriments of the current system, we urge the public & private banks to stop financing fossil-based projects and instead finance climate reparations by investing in Global South countries and tending to the loss and damages that were inflicted upon them!


**The view of the protesters does not reflect the views of the owners and creators of Doraemon. No claim is made to the exclusive right to use “Doraemon” apart from the mark as shown in the protest. No economic or commercial benefit is gained. It is purely for the exercise of freedom of expression



Published by yacaphilippines

Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines is an alliance of individuals, youth organizations, and student councils that advocate for immediate youth-led global climate action. The Fridays for Future of the Philippines.

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