YACAP NCR’s Weaving the Waves Art Exhibit

Two days after the World Environment Day this 2024, Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines National Capital Regional Chapter held an art exhibit in Silingan Coffee in Quezon City with various local artists to expose the issue of reclamation.

The goal of the exhibit was to expose how the ongoing reclamation projects impact sectors. We aim to raise awareness of the destructive nature of these reclamation projects. We intent to foster a network of artists to advocate for the preservation of marine life and ecosystems, while also engaging fisherfolks and coastal communities in this important cause. Additionally, we aim to actively support the call for a just transition and amplify the voices demanding an end to reclamation projects. It is crucial to involve the youth in this movement, as their participation and passion can bring about meaningful change.

What is reclamation?

The goal of reclamation is to facilitate urban expansion for new technology while also stimulating our nation’s economy by creating an affordable space. Unfortunately, these corporations overlook the unethical and exploitative effects these projects have. Reclamation presents significant risks to biodiversity and the aquatic ecosystem within the environment. As part of reclamation projects, one of the measures taken involves the deforestation of mangroves. These mangroves serve as vital ecosystems, offering habitat for various animal species, promoting biodiversity, providing sustenance, acting as a natural barrier against extreme weather events, and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

A significant number of reclamation projects in Manila Bay, with 22 out of the total 52 projects here in the Philippines, highlights the impact of these developments in the area. The extensive number of projects in Manila Bay emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the potential consequences and challenges linked to such widespread reclamation efforts.

Opposing reclamation projects is vital to prevent harm to our environment. By standing against reclamation, we advocate sustainable development practices that protect and preserve biodiversity.

Weaving the Waves Pop-up Exhibit

The highlight of the exhibit was a special screening of “Panawagan: a Short Film” by Lysander Soleil Sugay and artworks by Ron de Vera, Bert Raqueno and Anina Rubic. The artworks dove deep into creativity, where every brush stroke told a story of ocean currents and conservation. The exhibit sheds light on the pressing issue of reclamation projects across Manila, illuminating their impact on our environment and livelihoods. The community of mussel farmers from Navotas were able to highlight their struggle in person in the exhibit. Through arts and crafts, we amplify the voices of our marine ecosystems, urging action and awareness for a sustainable future.

YACAP NCR’s goal is to ensure the well-being of the environment and a sustainable future for the people. Alongside the fisherfolks’ communities and environmental defenders, we aim to cease reclamation projects. We say No To Reclamation, Defend Manila Bay!

The event was Co-presented by Climate Change Network for Community-based Initiatives (CCNCI) and was in partnership with PAMALAKAYA-Pilipinas, 350 Pilipinas, Green Dreams of a Generation (GDG), Panday Sining. The event spotlighted merch from Helgacrafts.ph and 350 Pilipinas.


Published by yacaphilippines

Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines is an alliance of individuals, youth organizations, and student councils that advocate for immediate youth-led global climate action. The Fridays for Future of the Philippines.

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